Mommy Makeover Photos - Case #4972

Patient Case #4972

Six months after mommy makeover consisting of drainless tummy tuck and breast lift without an implant.

She had a mild tendency to form raised or hypertrophic scars, so the umbilicus is being revised in stages. Then we will apply the Lux 1540 erbium fractional laser to soften and inhibit scar formation. We offer this kind of scar management to all our patients without charge to try to get them the softest and best scars that our surgical technique and their biologic tendency can produce. In the drainless technique, the elevated and trimmed skin is sutured back down to the abdominal wall, eliminating the open space and removing tension from the flap at many points. By diminishing tension at the suture line, the flap is unlikely to undergo vascular compromise and have fat or skin necrosis. Closing off the space with these progressive tension sutures and quilting sutures also prevents seromas and eliminates the need for drains, a great benefit to rapid recovery and patient comfort.”

Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover