Rhinoplasty Surgery Gives Patients the Noses They Deserve

Everyone deserves a nose that is both fully functional and aesthetically pleasing. While some live their lives with pretty, properly functioning noses, not everyone is that lucky. Some people are born with noses that they consider to be too long, strangely angled, or abnormally crooked while others even suffer from breathing problems and defects that can hinder day to day life.
In some cases, incidents can cause serious injury to a perfectly normal nose and result in discomfort, pain, and even deformities in individuals.
Thankfully, to fix such noses, we have a procedure known as rhinoplasty, otherwise called a “nose job.” Rhinoplasty is a process of plastic surgery that involves the reconstruction and correction of the nose.
It is used in two forms. One is a reconstructive plastic surgery that is done in order to restore the functions of the nose in case of injuries and other functional issues of the nose. The other is cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery, which involves the beautification of the nose.
The process of rhinoplasty is further divided into several types of procedures. These include reduction rhinoplasty, augmentation rhinoplasty, post-traumatic rhinoplasty, and reconstructive rhinoplasty.
The History Of Rhinoplasty
Surgical treatments for the nose have been in practice since as early as 500 BC as it is evidenced from the writings of Sushruta Samhita which is one of the most ancient texts on surgery and medicine written in Sanskrit.
Around the time in India, cheek flap advancements took place to fix amputations that were doled as punishments for criminals and to fix disfigurements. By the 16th century, the forehead flap procedure was developed which was recorded by Maruzzi, a Venetian adventurer who had traveled through the Mughal empire.
It was in 1794 that the detailed process of the forehead flap reached Western nations and was published in Gentleman’s Magazine.
In Europe, the Brancas began performing reconstruction surgeries in Sicily around the 15th century. These procedures initially involved cheek flaps before arm flaps proceeded to become common practice.
The 16th century noted a rise of rhinoplasty among the Vianeos of Calabria in southern Italy. Gaspare Tagliacozzi, a Professor of Surgery in Bologna at the time, made improvements in the technique of the arm flap on the art of which he published a book. Today, he is thought to be the one who founded plastic surgery.
The Benefits Of Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is among the most popular plastic surgeries performed in the US. During the procedure, your surgeon will work to reshape your nose to fit your desired contours and to correct any existing functional deficiencies that may be present.
The entire treatment process is safe, time tested, and effective in producing excellent results. The results not only improve the balance of the facial features but also helps patients gain confidence in their looks. By correcting defects in the structure of the nose, rhinoplasty also serves a cure for breathing problems and other issues involving the shape of the nose.
Schedule Your Rhinoplasty Consultation in Mountain View
Interested in learning more about the rhinoplasty surgery? Contact our office to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Robert Lowen, a highly respected and skilled cosmetic surgeon in Mountain View.